Kick-Off Meeting
The Marineland Right Whale Project has entered its 25th season! Surveys began on Saturday, January 4 and run through Saturday, March 8.
The Season Opening Meeting and Orientation took place on Friday, January 3 at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience in Marineland. Old and new volunteers had a chance to meet each other and their Team Leaders, and hear updates on right whales, 2025 program plans, and survey protocols.
Whales to Date
As of December 16, seven right whales have been reported in southeast U.S. waters. These include mother #2413, Nauset, 31 years old, with her 5th calf, and #2430, Minus One, at least 31 years old, with her 4th calf. Several potential mothers have been sighted, as well as a four-year-old male, #5132.
A Cost-savings Change
A reality check. Money is often an issue for small environmental and conservation groups such as ours. For the 2023 and 2024 seasons, we experienced a deficit. To rectify this situation, we have incorporated a cost-savings measure for the coming season. Sara will manage the program in Florida; Jim will take care of administrative tasks from his home in Massachusetts. The savings will offset the deficit. We hope to return to normal in future years.
Education and Outreach
The annual Right Whale Festival was held in Fernandina Beach on Amelia Island, 2-3 November. Kim Jacomo and Shea Lox set up and manned our exhibit, with help from Jean Cardany and Sue Delegal. Anne Sheridan and Heike Hudes made a wonderful quilt for a successful fundraising raffle.
Closer to home, more than 20 volunteers took shifts at our right whale table at the Marineland Market on 2 November and 7 December.
Thank you all for keeping our education and outreach efforts strong.
2024 Report and Team Handbook Posted
Each year we prepare a summary report for the preceding season. This provides volunteers, colleagues, and collaborators an overview of the season. The 2024 report is posted at On the homepage, find “MRWP Right Whale Report 2024”, in the menu on the left.
There is also an updated version of the Team Handbook (also in the menu on the left). A hard copy will be provided in each team survey bag, and anyone can download a personal copy from our website.
On the Alert
Both mother-calf pairs have been sighted off Amelia Island. They have come into Florida waters. When beach walking or on the deck of your condo or local restaurants, have your binoculars and the HOTLINE phone number (888-979-4253) handy. We will organize a response. Good luck to us, and to the whales !