Thursday, December 24, 2020

More Early Whales!

At just before noon on Sunday, 20 December, Barbara Kuhns called in a sighting from Hammock Dunes.  Team leader Sharon Ralston relayed the information, including to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Team.  Their plane was on site shortly thereafter  They reported mother Right Whale #4040, Chiminea, with calf.

The next day, Monday the 21st, at 07:47, Becky Bush called in a sighting from south of Hammock Dunes.  We lost track of it until 11:05, when Julie Albert from the Marine Resources Council reported it from the Painter’s Hill area.  Joy and Terry, with the drone, went to the Beverly Beach Town Hall platform and launched the drone.  Images again showed Right Whale #4040, Chiminea, and calf.  She is 13 years old, and this is her first known calf.

Drone photo from Beverly Beach, 21 December 2020, by Terry Clark. Taken under NOAA Fisheries Permit #20626.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Early Whales!

On the evening of 6 December, FWC phoned with a report of whales heading south from St. Augustine Inlet.  The next day, Monday the 7th, whales were sighted off Washington Oaks, Painter's Hill, and Flagler Beach--moving quickly.  About 11:30 Martha Garito got good photos from Flagler Pier.  They were identified as female #3520, Millipede, with her 2nd calf (mother and calf images below).

Whales are in the area.  Please be on the lookout.  If you have a sighting, please use the Marine Resources Council's Right Whale Hotline #1-888-979-4253.

And, please use good judgement when going out.  Face masks, social distancing, no groups--listen to Dr. Fauci.  And, don't go out if you are not comfortable doing so.

Lastly. we will be posting here around the 15th advising of the plans for the season (it will be different).