Tuesday, May 14, 2024

2024 End of Season Wrap-up

Thank You
First and foremost:  Thank you to our dedicated and capable volunteers. The folks who stood watches in weather both good and bad, who provided handouts and information to people they met, who staffed our display and information table at the Gamble Rogers State Park and Marineland Market events, and who helped with clearing our office and storing our gear. We are most grateful.

End-of-Season Meeting
Our wrap up meeting for the 2024 season was held on Saturday, 16 March. 100 attended. Great food and good conversations. The raffle had vigorous ticket sales and raised money for the program.

A handmade pine straw basket with a ceramic base was a wonderful item, 
and drew lots of interest, and tickets!  (Photo: B. Gough)

One of the highlights of the program was Sara’s compilation of volunteer photos, 2024 Volunteers. This can be seen on our YouTube channel, Marineland Right Whale Project. Many of our other videos are also found there.

Also at the final meeting was the summary of our results for the season. These results are posted in the form of a report. To access a copy, go to www.aswh.org, and select MRWP right whale report 2024 from the list to the left on the home page.  

Right Whale News
As another information source for right whales, you can download the newsletter, Right Whale News, from www.narwc.org. See the menu bar across the top of the home page. The next issue is expected in May 2024.

Program support comes from several sources, including government and foundations. An essential component comes from private donations. (Think of pieces of a pie.) We issue requests at our season-end meetings and at other team events. To date, we have raised about 60% (~$2500) of our private donation goal. We are looking to raise an additional $2000 (please and thank you). For the post-season mail, please send to Jim at ASWH, PO Box 721, Woods Hole, MA 02543). Thank you in advance for helping to keep the program viable, as we look to the 2025 season.

Book Recommendation
For perspective and encouragement, may we suggest:

Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams.  2021.  The Book of Hope: A Survival  Guide for Trying Times.  Celadon Books, Macmillan, N Y, NY.  249 pp.

Thank You Again
Circling back to where we began - a huge thank you to everyone for volunteering your labor, enthusiasm, ideas, and financial support?from us and from the whales.