Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Right Whale #3560 Makes Another Appearance

Yesterday, Monday the 13th, we had another sighting of female #3560 and her calf.  She was down in Ormond and heading south slowly.  The calf is now nearly a month old, and both mother and calf appeared healthy.  This is the fifth time we have seen this pair, all in the Ormond area.
Female #3560 with calf on 13 January 2020, off Ormond Beach.  Photo: Ralph Bundy.  Permit # 20626

Raise a glass to #3560 and her calf !

A 4th Mother/Calf Pair
On Thursday, 9 January, the Georgia team sighted a fourth mother-calf pair for the season.  Good news.  The bad news is that the calf was injured, probably very shortly after birth.  There are scars on the head, possibly from a vessel strike.  The Georgia and Florida teams are searching and will provide an updated status, which we will pass along.